"Capture your thoughts, track your progress, improve your writing skills, and unleash your creativity with JournalWit. The journaling app powered by the latest AI technology!"
What We Provide
calendar_month Progress Tracking!
Keep track of your day-to-day progress with journalWit's integrated calender!
handyman AI Helper!
If you're in a hurry or just not the best writer, you can use the AI assistance mode to help craft your journal entry in no time. Simply answer a few questions, and the AI will do the work for you. You won't even have to write a single sentence!
border_color Classic Journaling!
If you enjoy taking your time to write out your own journal entries on paper, then manual mode will be perfect for you!
lock Data Security!
We take the privacy of your data seriously and work hard to ensure that your information is safe and secure from outside sources.
sentiment_very_satisfied Mood Logging!
Our app lets you capture your mood through a diverse range of expressive emotes, allowing you to visually depict your feelings expressed in your journal entry.
auto_stories A Place To Craft Your Tale!
JournalWit stores your journal collection in your own digital book that allows you to read your journal journey. You can also download your journal book so you can read offline too!